About US

Building the future

HomeMission is a group of evangelists and support staff that visits and helps churches or individuals throughout the United States that contact us and asks for help.

Basically, we “encourage, equip, and evangelize”. In Acts 11, Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch where he encouraged, equipped, and evangelized with the help of Paul. We at HomeMission have taken these 3 “E’s” as our mission.

We encourage our churches that we visit both during and after our visits. We equip them through planning and providing tools to use. We help them plan to evangelize through example and teaching. This is an ongoing, looping process as we return to visit our churches.

The work of HomeMission is overseen by the eldership of the West Freeway church of Christ in Fort Worth Texas and a Board of Directors made up of members and elders from other supporting congregations of the church of Christ.  

Our Program


Three Year Growth Plan

One-Time Workshop Visit

Evangelism Training

"New Life Behavior" Training

Revive Us Again Seminar


Print & Digital Resources

Sign Up Today!

We would love assist your congregation in becoming a fruitful and thriving contributor to the Lord’s Church!

Download our Full Schedule of Activities PDF.


Three Year Growth Plan

Workshop Visits

Evangelism Training

"New Life Behavior" Training

Revive Us Again Seminar


Print & Digital Resources

Our Program

The Details

An initial visit is made when we make plans to work with a church. Our visits are around 4-5 days each. The first visit we’ve named the Launch. After that, we return and, based on what the churches decide, we come back with various workshops and activities. Each visit builds on a previous one. Between visits, we check on the church and encourage them.

Our first week on the three-year plan, we’ve named the Launch. This usually starts on Sunday and goes through Wednesday night, but it can go on a weekend from Friday night through Sunday. If beginning on a Sunday morning:

  • During Bible Class, a lesson on How to Get Visitors and Fallen Away Members to Come Back (“STARS” card) is presented.
  • The morning sermon is motivational for the congregation.
  • Sunday night will involve the presentation of the HANGER session that involves getting to know the congregation and assessing their needs and goals.
  • On Monday night, we introduce a study for new Christians called, Foundations for Disciples.
  • On Tuesday, the Habanero Visitation system is introduced to help the congregation institute a program for visitation.
  • Finally, on Wednesday, we end with the Take Off session, which allows the congregation to choose four things they would like to focus on in the future.

We try to visit with members during the week, so we can submit 12 possible choices for the Take Off.

On our three-year plan, our second official visit is a 3-5 day workshop called Circle of Influence. These lessons teach members how to make connections to people they already know in their circle of friends, family, acquaintances, and coworkers. Using scripture and role play, attendees gain confidence and have tools to use to evangelize others.

When we work with a church, one area that most want to improve in is community outreach. New Life Behavior is a program that focuses on reaching out to meet the needs of those in a community. Based at Kings Crossing Church of Christ (Corpus Christi TX), NLB was originally a prison ministry that has evolved into 14 topics using the Bible as a guide. Some topics are CASA (Christians Against Substance Abuse), self-esteem, parenting, marriage, anger management, and more. John Orr is a regional trainer and HomeMission has already trained and certified three of our churches to use the material in their communities. The training takes three hours. Our plans are to have all our evangelists able to be trainers.

Of course, a major effort of HomeMission is our annual Revive Us Again Evangelism and Church-Growth Workshop. This four-day event brings approximately 700 attendees from many states to class sessions and key-note speeches with evangelism as the thrust.

Most churches don’t give a second thought about needing supplies and materials. Many of the churches we work with don’t have this luxury. Some barely keep the doors open. Because of this, we don’t charge a church anything when we come work with them. We’ve also furnished, free of charge, such items as visitor cards, tracts, Bibles, study books, pew pencils, curriculum, and more.

Thanks to our sponsoring churches, individuals, and God’s grace, we’ve been able to help in this way. The books we use for our workshops are also free. Consequently, part of what we have to do is fund-raising to pay for materials, salaries, and expenses. This is done by visiting and meeting with churches, elders, and missions committees and presenting what we do, sending out emails and fliers about our work, all done to request monetary support and assistance in our efforts. The HomeMission booth at the various conferences we attend also advertises our efforts, and we find sponsoring churches and individuals, as well as churches that need our help. We have 38 sponsoring churches and several individuals that contribute to our expenses.

Sign up Today!

We would love assist your congregation in becoming a fruitful and thriving contributor to the Lord’s Church!

Download our Full Schedule of Activities PDF.

How to Get Started

In the early church, men like Barnabas, Paul, Peter, Silas, Timothy and others were sent by a church or an apostle to build up fledgling or struggling churches.

We want to do the same!

Request Church Support

We are here to serve the Lord’s Church. If the church you attend is in need of support, let us know how we can help.


We are always in need of an extra hand. If you love serving the Lord and His Church, we’d love to add you to our team.


Just as Paul requested support from the first century Christians for his work, we need the same from you as well.

Let us know how
we can help!